Sunday, July 14

Matthew 25:40


Matthew 25:40 (NASB) “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’”    


There is such a thing as the “ripple” effect. Where one action causes a ripple that goes out further and further with each passing minute. As a small boy, I loved to fish with my dad. Whenever I hear of the ripple effect, I think of times when we would go fishing and I would toss a line out with a bobber. As the bobber hit the water, a small ripple would begin to form; it would grow and grow until it would cover the entire pond. One small bobber could make the entire pond ripple with its action.

When we speak today of the ripple effect, we always think of the good we do and how it can radiate into others. However, have we ever thought about the negative ripple effect? Where a non-action can have a reverse effect? Such as passing a stranger in need of help—how, as their day goes on, the ripple effect of struggle takes a toll. Maybe their child takes the brunt of their anger or they finally give up living. Our small actions, where we step up and do to the least of these, WILL make a difference. Which “ripple” effect will outlive our life? As always, it comes down to choice. I pray we chose His path.


1) Think about what you just read.

2) Ask the Holy Spirit for clarity and insight.

3) Share this with someone who would benefit from reading it.

4) Make sure others see Jesus in YOU today.

TOM SEMBER has been involved in ministering to men for over 20 years. He is an ordained minister with the AG in the NY Ministry Network. Tom lives with his wife, Carolyn, and children in New York. You can connect with Tom on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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