Monday, June 10

Ephesians 6:7


Ephesians 6:7 (ESV) “Rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man…” 


Today’s reading might hit some of us right where it hurts. It’s about working or really doing anything as if we are doing it for the Lord. Most of the American workers of today think of one thing: how much money can I get for doing this, or what benefit to me is this. We have lost sight of the fact that we are His children, and we are to do all things without grumbling and complaining. But are we?


It is a rare occurrence to see someone today happy in their job and working unto the Lord. I had a job one time where I was working for a contractor and our crew was hired to change about 1,000 toilet valves in a dorm (the old ones were defective) so we each grabbed a handful and went to work –At lunch time we came back to the spot called the “headquarters” and turned in the old valves. It was not a difficult job, and each valve probably took about 10 minutes to replace. When I got back, I turned in about 150 old valves. The guy who was collecting the old ones went crazy. He started yelling at me, “What’s your problem? We don’t work that fast around here. This job is going to last us all summer and we are going to get overtime, and double time on Sundays, so slow down. You should only get one or two done all day.” Needless to say, I didn’t stay at that job long. I felt like I was cheating someone, letting someone down. My parents taught me a great work ethic–give 110% in everything and do it like you’re working for the Lord. So I ask myself as well as you: are we doing the best we can without grumbling and complaining, as unto the Lord?


  • Personal Application: Continue spending time with the Lord daily. Sow righteousness and reap the fruit of God's unfailing love. 
  • Family Devotional: Read this chapter to your family. Ask them if anything spoke to them as you read. Talk about their answers and show them that one important aspect of this chapter is that we must continue to spend time with the Lord and keep our hearts focused on His plans and purposes. Pray for them.

TOM SEMBER has been involved in ministering to men for over 20 years. He is an ordained minister with the AG in the NY Ministry Network. Tom lives with his wife, Carolyn, and children in New York. You can connect with Tom on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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