Thursday, June 27

James 1:14


James 1:14 (ESV) “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.” 


I remember, as a kid, sitting in school and getting poked in the back by a pencil by my neighbor. I would take it for a while and then finally turn around and poke back. Of course, the teacher would see ME and I would get into trouble. The second act usually does. In hockey we see it all the time—the first guy throws a punch, but it’s the one who retaliates that goes to the penalty box. Our sin nature works that wat to. It throws the first punch, and we respond, following along without even thinking. Many years ago, there was a saying out there, “The devil made me do it!” It was then we started going away from being accountable for our own actions, and instead started blaming others for the choices we make. Our sin nature is real, and powerful! Yet the choice is still ours. Don’t buy into the sin nature’s lies. Don’t yield to temptation. Ask the Lord for strength, will power, and a spirit of faithfulness that wants to honor Him.


  • Personal Application: Continue spending time with the Lord daily. Sow righteousness and reap the fruit of God's unfailing love. 
  • Family Devotional: Read this chapter to your family. Ask them if anything spoke to them as you read. Talk about their answers and show them that one important aspect of this chapter is that we must continue to spend time with the Lord and keep our hearts focused on His plans and purposes. Pray for them.

TOM SEMBER has been involved in ministering to men for over 20 years. He is an ordained minister with the AG in the NY Ministry Network. Tom lives with his wife, Carolyn, and children in New York. You can connect with Tom on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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