Monday, May 27

Hebrews 10:25


Hebrews 10:25 “…not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” (NASB)


As I entered in, I thought that I must be crazy. It was my first fire—a house engulfed in flames. I found myself walking into it, drawn in by the sense of responsibility to the job I was called to do. Today's verse speaks of not forsaking assembling together. Maybe you have thought that going to a church or a home group where people gather is just crazy. You never thought you'd ever enter one of those, like me entering the fire, but once inside, I found myself doing the job I was called to do. You will too. Sure, it may seem kind of scary to walk into a place where you never thought you'd go, but you must get past the fear and past the "I'm crazy" attitude. When you do, you will find out that things aren't as bad as you thought. Heading into the fire was scary at first, but having other firefighters around to help made the difference, and there will be people there to help you enter that church or home group. Don't let fear stand in your way. 


  • Personal Application: Continue spending time with the Lord daily. Sow righteousness and reap the fruit of God's unfailing love. 
  • Family Devotional: Read this chapter to your family. Ask them if anything spoke to them as you read. Talk about their answers and show them that one important aspect of this chapter is that we must continue to spend time with the Lord and keep our hearts focused on His plans and purposes. Pray for them.

TOM SEMBER has been involved in ministering to men for over 20 years. He is an ordained minister with the AG in the NY Ministry Network. Tom lives with his wife, Carolyn, and children in New York. You can connect with Tom on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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